Rico Rojas



Spirit Guide pup@nyu.edu

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Karen Wang

Undergraduate Student kw3269@nyu.edu

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Catalina Rao

Research Technician csr388@nyu.edu

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Tristan Yuan

Research Technician zy2252@nyu.edu

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The Leviathan of Western Art

We could probably have a long conversation about this over coffee or wine, but the central, defining feature of art in the “modern era,” which began with the Renaissance (circa 1500), and continues to this day, is its subject matter. Catalyzed by the runaway mercantilism that was consuming Europe, which was fueled by the imperial […]

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Darwin’s Ducks

Part I. Darwin’s Ducks Upon turning over the back cover of On The Origin of Species, I was left with the overwhelming urge to hug Charles Darwin to let him know that he was doing good and that everyone loves him. There is a cold British sorrow, like a gray winter rain, that pervades his […]

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The Genesis of the lac Operon

One of my favorite things to do when I start studying something new is to go back as far as I can in the literature to look for the primordial kernel of the idea, or field, that I’m interested in. My thesis advisor Jacquito taught me to do this. For example, the idea that plant […]

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Tahj Starr

Research Technician tms9802@nyu.edu

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Abby Ellingwood

Ph.D. Student axe1@nyu.edu

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Dylan Fitzmaurice

Ph.D. Student dylan.fitzmaurice@nyu.eduWebsite

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